About the author:

Rupantar has been the race director of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team since 1985, having been asked by Sri Chinmoy to serve in that capacity. As well as working on the big races the US Marathon Team organise each year - the 3100 Mile Race and the Six and 10 Day Race - he also spends a considerable amount of time archiving the Marathon Team's 40 year history on this website.

yolanda.jpgThis year, Yolanda Holder aimed to be the first person to complete the 3100 Mile Race race by walking the entire distance. The New York Times' Corey Kilgannon came to visit the course and wrote a profile beginning as follows...

"On a recent weekday, a woman in hot pink exercise wear and a matching fedore strode briskly but effortlessly down a sidewalk alongside the Grand Central Parkway in Jamaica, Queens. The woman, Yolanda Holdler, 59, an endurance racewalker known as the Walking Diva for her fashionable race outfits, has drawn attention as a first-time entrant to an unusual race held every summer in which runners circle a single block for more than seven weeks straight, 18 hours a day, breaking only between midnight and 6 a.m. to sleep."


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The 28th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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