Temperatures were still cool for this month and this time of the year in New York. That means good numbers of laps, and generally happy runners in the 3100. Nirbhasa Magee went through the 4000km split in a personal best two days and five hours faster than his performance in 2015. Kaneenika Janakova created a new women's 4000 km record, slicing 8 hours and 59 minutes off of 'The Legend' Suprabha Beckjord's mark from 1998, a time that had lasted 19 years. The performance artist known as Ananda-Lahari Zuscin continued his superman impersonation with 71.89 miles, fresh off the previous day total of 87.8 miles. Vasu Duzhiy lengthened his overall lead with a solid 66.95 miles. The veteran champion is ahead by 95 miles with only 462 miles remaining. He should finish in a week or eight days, depending on his health and strength.
Vasu Duzhiy-2600 miles-39+07:26:20
Nirbhasa Magee-4000km-39+00:37:07; 2500 miles-39+04:36:22
Kaneenika Janakova-4000km-WWB-39+04:00:00-old record-Suprabha Beckjord- 39+12:59:30(1998); 2500 miles-39+08:43:45
Yolanda Holder-2300 miles- 39+01:49:27
Smarana Puntigam- 2200 miles- 39+16:30:00
Andrey Andreev-2100 miles- 39+01:32:02
Sergey Kuzmin-2100 miles- 39+02:32:13
Ananda-Lahari Zuscin-2000 miles-39+17:53:50