The day was sunny and pleasant if you were in the shade. Humidity was lower than previous days, the cloud cover was non-existent. The top three were the only runners to cross 60 miles today. It must have been the perfect storm of fatigue, heat wave syndrome, and the recovery process just not kicking in. Somehow, Ashprihanal Aalto reached 70.24 miles to lead the pack. Atmavir Petr Spacil celebrated his birthday today(66.4 miles), so he ran well. And Yuri Trostenyuk remained steady at 63.6 miles, and many smiles.

Kaneenika Janakova ran herself into the record books, becoming the fastest woman runner in race history to reach 2000 miles. She eclipsed the 17-year-old record established by the immortal American Suprabha Beckjord in 1999. Her reward after passing this milestone was a mini Dove bar ice cream, and a reminder that she still had 1100 miles to go.

The race is relentless, if not cruel, as a former runner once penned, because each lap becomes the same, yet each lap is different. I think he meant that there is no difference in a runners' application of effort and movement, except that the goal is within one's reality, one's thoughts, and one's dreams. The so-called finish line appears at 5,649 laps, but disappears the next second. The goal is not only within you but without you. 

I still don't know how they do this race.!

Kaneenika Janakova-2000 miles-new women's record- 31 days+05:54:14

Old Record- Suprabha Beckjord-1999-32 days+01:06:32

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The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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