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Today, with the temps matching 95ºF (35ºC), the group of Eight moved along the sun-soaked course with a bit of careful resignation. The hottest spell of summer heat in a few years is entering the region, so ice on the head, salt intake, ice cream, hydration and keeping cool are important parts of the daily ritual in search of laps. With all the precautions from race staff to warnings on cell phones, the runners proceeded and played the weather. Except for one person. Ananda-Lahari Zuscin again led the charge with a sizzling 77.38 miles, making his two-day average at 75 miles per day. He seems focused, alert and ready to test himself under any conditions. He certainly has seen it all since this is his 15th attempt. Nirbhasa Magee gave chase with 67.5 miles and took back three miles from the overall leader. There are a maximum of 3 weeks left in the race, so hopes of finishing are in the immediate background of all. The tests by the elements are just another reminder of the randomness of circumstances that affect all the runners. We will see who rises from these temporary difficulties with smiles amid the sweat and toil. More later

Perfection Journey video from day 31

  • Ashprihanal Aalto-2000 miles- 30:02:24:47
  • Nirbhasa Magee- 2000 miles-  30:09:09:51
  • Vasu Duzhiy-1900 miles- 30:00:18:21
  • Ananda-Lahari Zuscin-1900 miles- 30:06:28:09
  • Smarana Puntigam-1900 miles- 30:13:14:25
  • Harita Davies-3000km- 30:11:12:51
  • Ushika Muckenhumer- 1600 miles- 30:02:15:47
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The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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