Day 44

Vasu Duzhiy is poised to reach his goal of 3100 miles Tuesday after another 71.34 mile day. He will probably finish between 12:15 and 1:15 local time. If he finishes before 1:00 pm he will jump in the rankings from 14th place to fifth overall. He is currently averaging 69.84 miles per day(112.41 km). Yuri Trostenyuk ran 69.69 miles and is in place to finish wednesday late if all goes well. Atmavir Spacil had the best day of the group with 75.18 miles, his best day since Day 11. Warm weather is moving into the area, one of the last hurdles before the race ends a week from Tuesday evening.

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The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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