Day 36 The mercury went up to 94ºF-(34,35ºC). The humidity went up - 55 to 60 %. The THI was hovering around three digits. The sun was frying eggs on sidewalks,etc. It was hot. Seven of 11 made it past 60 miles. The 'Big Three' at the top made it past 70 miles each, but expectations were diminished by the elements that Ma Nature offered the race. One more day of high heat awaits, and then a little respite. Ashprihanal Aalto led yet again with 74.08 miles. Galya Balatskyy is still streaking with 71.3 miles. Vasu Duzhiy made home at 70.2 with nary a minute to spare. All survived.

Ashprihanal Aalto-2700 miles-new record- 35 days+03:34:45

old record-Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk-35 days+14:01:21

Ashprihanal Aalto-36 days total-new record-2757.1712 miles(4437.2366 km)

old record-Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk-2714.9136 miles(4369.2296 km)

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The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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