Andrea Marcato            114 laps 118.9783km    73.9297 miles

Nirbhasa Magee           105 laps 109.5853km     68.0932 miles

Ushika Muckenhumer   104 laps  108.5416km    67.4446 miles

Milan Javornicky              97 laps  101.2359km    62.1297 miles

Ananda-Lahari Zuscin    95 laps     99.1486km    61.6081 miles

September 13, First Day

We started with a nice crowd of spectators at 6 am, having visiting disciples and friends from Vienna, Augsburg, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Portugal, Nuremberg and more....

Smarana gave a talk and read Sahishnu’s speech. After a heart-felt moment, some fellows blew the conch and I led them the first three laps with the bike.

Ushika led the pack the first few hours on his home track. Afterwards Andrea and Nirbhasa passed him. Andrea seems to be the fittest at the moment, being the only one who stayed till midnight. He looked strong and cheerful as usual and super enthusiastic. He talked to Ashprihanal on the phone, which gave him a lot of inspiration. (Ashprihanal Aalto from Finland is the world record holder for this event- 40 days + 6 hours)

For Ananda-Lahari and for Nirbhasa especially it seemed to be a little bit difficult, but nothing serious. Both went home early. Ushika had an excellent day, was very grateful and went home early saying that his '108 km is the most divine number.'

Also Milan was really happy when he finished early and went happily for his well-deserved night break.

The day was very warm, 27 celsius ( 88ºF). Even Andrea was surprised by the hot weather.

- Priyavadin   (Salzburg RD & Lead Organizer of the 3100 2020 Salzburg)

I agree that it was quite warm for the first day, but these types of runners are battle tested and ready for challenges. Plus, all the totals are decent to excellent, given the long road ahead, and the inevitable breaking-in period of 2 weeks or so that usually accompany these super-long multi-day events. It also takes getting used to 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night, after running for 16 to 17 hours all day.

More later,

Sahishnu, (4000 miles away, but feeling good about the run so far)

Stay happy Runners!

More about:

The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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