Rainy and cold. Luckily the rain had breaks and for a long time it was just drizzling.

Andrea covered 115,8 km to  again win the day. With yesterdays’ 1000 mile achievement he is the official Italian record holder for 1000 miles.

Today Thomas one of our local team members served him food and drinks. At one point he was waiting for Andrea a few meters before the camp. Andrea literally never stops for food or drinks, he just grabs it while walking by fast, so Thomas wanted to jog with him a few meters. Thomas oversaw how slippery the rainy street and the muddy grass on the side was. He fell and sat in the mud with his white trouser. This made Andrea laugh so hard that he could not drink any more and for many meters people could hear him laughing.

Ushika was again very determined and steady. In the morning he asked Cäcilia one of our 81-year old team members, if she could bring some cake. 

Cäcilia is still walking every morning for two hours. Inspired by our 5 runners she jogged even a little bit the other day.

Soon after Ushika was ased her for some cake, she brought 3 wonderful and colourful cakes. Ushika enjoyed the sweets for the main part of the afternoon and as evening the cakes and closed the day with 99,1 km. 

On an emotional level it seemed it was a typical Austrian Monday, for some of the runners, which means one gets more easily angry and finds faults with others.

Definitely not Milan, though. He is still surprising with his equanimity and his detached cheerful spirit.

He even said he was grateful for his shin splint because through this he gained a beautiful spiritual experience.

He walked and jogged bravely accepting the injury and not having too much pain. He made it up to 87,6 km.

He still has two friends from home here at the race who are helping him.

Ananda-Lahari had a nice day walking only, but a difficult night. At the end he went home shortly before midnight covering 81,4 km.

Nirbhasa celebrated his 1000 mile milestone today in the afternoon.

 And went home at 23:39 finishing with 96 km after having a little bit of a hard day.

Sleep well runners !



Andrea Marcato- 1700km- 15days+17:03:01

Nirbhasa Magee- 1000 miles- 15days+10:51:40

Ushika Muckenhumer- 1500km- 15days+13:01:37

Ananda-Lahari Zuscin- 1500km- 15days+13:45:00

It appears that all five runners are in a good routine, and are past the point of their minds shutting everything down and giving up. Usually about or near three weeks into this difficult event, a runner has the determination and well-being in the body to continue the journey. And with 36 days to go, there is still much to learn about themselves and their world of constant motion. Good luck runners, and continue to strive. It helps us all, and gives us pause for reflection. Your transcendence is our inspiration.


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The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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