Every day is a special day in the 3100 mile race. So many people come to help, sing, support, and cheer on the runners. Today, Jim and Annette Magee, the parents of Nirbhasa, came all the way from Ireland to cheer on their son in his last few days of reaching the ultimate goal of 3100 miles. They showed up on the course as he was making a turn toward our 'camp' in the evening before sunset. It was a joyous occasion for the whole family, including Sadanand, Nirbhasa's brother and helper. Later in the night Surasa, our woman leader, passed the 3000 mile mark, well on her way to a great 3100 mile finish soon. We also witnessed a big and bright 'blue moon' which is when a full moon ocurrs for the second time in the same month. This only happens about every 3 years or so. To add to the excitement of the day, Atmavir will finish tomorrow afternoon after reaching 3000 miles early this morning as the excitement in this epic journey continues towards the end. 


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The 28th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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