Day 37 The summer weather was a factor today but it could only slow the runners a bit. 90ºF temps and high humidity made any outdoor activity less enjoyable, but the  runners of the 3100 Mile Race pick their spots, and move along regardless of a THI warning for small children, infants or the elderly. Ashprihanal Aalto  cracked the 2800 mile barrier, and set a personal record of 25 straight days over 70 miles(with all but one of those days over 74 miles!). He appears to be on pace to finish friday afternoon barring any hurricanes or acts of God. Galya Balatskyy continued his amazing streak of 37 straight days over 70 miles. He has a chance to finish Sunday night if he can pick it up a few laps at a time each day until the weekend. Vasu Duzhiy used all his experience and fitness to reach 67.5 miles. Surasa Mairer continues to amaze with a sparkling 64.2 mile day. Stutisheel Lebedyev is getting a good rhythym going and is looking to jump up a place or two on the scoreboard. Stay tuned folks, with 15 days left in the event we shall see some great performances come to fruition.

Ashprihanal Aalto-2800 miles-new record-36 days+10:30:14

old record-Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk-37 days+07:07:30

Ashprihanal Aalto-37 days total-new record-2831.2592 miles (4556.4697 km)

old record-Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk-2775.8304 miles (4467.2657 km)

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The 27th Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race

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